
I as Alien Intelligence

Poetry does not strut logically amongst convictions, it seeps through crevices; (Shamanic Nietzche)

afternote: just discovered this site which describes the style in this post as "Cybernetic encryption", or, recounting a poetry of metatagging. This resonates with me, and is similar to the alien intelligence thingy I'm doing.

Practicing loose association, as I often feel in a hypnagogic state (though quite perilous if one is always in a state of wakelessness / sleepfulness.) But practicing, also, hypertextuality, or making a statement about it, or something.

I penned this down while reading George Dyson's book Darwin among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence. When I write this, I also am thinking about Alien Phenomenology by Ian Bogost

Fieldnotes from an alien creature attempting to understand present human history

observations. from. here.

Analog computers as found in nature 1, nature as found to be self-organising, self-reproducing2, self-reproduction as autocatalytic reactions at the beginning of life on earth3, earth today as highly networked, older networks overlaid with newer ones dubbed 5G4, 5G as the communication network that will be ubiquitous and supporting modularization and servitisation of things5, things becoming evermore fuzzy philosophically…6


  1. Computation via information processing and information communication/transmission inheres across nature and artificial systems. Communication networks exist among eusocial organisms, like ant colonies. Somehow, somewhat, technological developments necessarily adopt after such architectures for the sustainment of human's social organisation (e.g. the purposes of social media). What happens when they read their digital environments as an extension of, or a form of reticulation, from ancient computers? (I have yet to read in-depth analyses on neuromorphic computing and its implication on the philosophy of science, or something.) 

  2. Self-reproduction here refers to autocatalytic sets, which draws from Stuart Kauffman's work on how life emerged from inorganic matter. Over here was when I started getting interested in biology… and life and computation and complexity and information! 

  3. Thinking about Earth. And how the Individual might think-with Earth; relating to a substratum essence from which we emerged from. As Benjamin Bratton writes for The Terraforming, the image of the black hole released to the public in 2019 likely gave us a renewed meaning of ourselves. While the The Blue Marble photograph enhanced our solidarity as "one global village" and even intensified Anthropocentricism, what kinds of identity would the image of an inevitable void create? 

  4. When I was tasked with doing desk research for 5G, I think often about the inexorable climb of progress, this neoliberal impulse to be more efficient, to achieve faster rates, lower latency… And it begs the question, to what end? Thinking about a post-human world, where the anthropocene perhaps acts like a fungi-takeover of the world – future beings have to build their foundations atop our ruined natures. 

  5. Thing-ness. 

  6. I am here referencing object-oriented ontology. I think Thing-ness is the most peculiar form/Substance, thing, and its status as a Being, and opens up further questions on being and perception.Â