
My Digital Garden

This is intended to reflect on my practice of digital gardening.

Since I spend hours and days doing this, I thought to have a sort of self-reflexive exercise to have some clarity on my intentions.

Something I personally grapple with here is the extent of negotiating my selves here. By which I mean, how do I balance the tone of voice, my authenticity in self-expression, while wishing to write more "formally" on topics?

Other resources: channel


During the circuit breaker period (Singapore's version of a COVID-19 lockdown), I started discovering the communities for tools for thought, on Twitter, on

Being an information hoarder, I thought this was really fitting

"Lite Islands"

Reflecting now, it was perhaps fortituous that I got into this deeply as I was taking part in SFPC's Digital Love Languages course while reading Tales of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin.

In the course, we learnt that naming was a kind of power —-

More than that, I felt that metaphors were a way for me to embrace play and lightness.

Tools I use now

as of 17th May 2021.

My digital garden stack:

  • Pocket & Twitter bookmarks
  • Obsidian
    • I have one for personal use, and another for hosting my Github notes.
  • Github Pages/Jekyll
  • Notion (mainly for its Web Clipper)

Previously, I toyed with Roam Research and Notion, but they weren't too ideal for storing and writing notes.

I kind of want to explore using decentralised or p2p social media networks or webhosting services.